
Model UN, Reimagined



Elevating MUN

the UK Way

Transform your global perspective and become a changemaker at MUNGLOBAL events! Sharpen your leadership, collaboration, and diplomacy skills by engaging in real-world problem-solving under the guidance of top UK experts. Our events seamlessly blend the UN Sustainable Development Goals with immersive experiences, empowering you to take action and drive progress. Join us and discover your potential to lead and innovate on a global scale.

Step beyond your learning environment and into the heart of global change at our conferences! We weave the UN Sustainable Development Goals directly into every debate, resolution, and experience. Unleash your potential as you research, collaborate, and craft innovative solutions to tackle real-world challenges like climate action and inequality and foster global partnerships. This isn’t just about knowing the SDGs — it’s about empowering you to become an active force for progress.

The SDGs at the Heart

of Our Model UN

Commitment to


Quality Education

Unlock your potential as a global citizen! Our immersive experiences ignite critical thinking, deepen research skills, and expand your global awareness—the keys to lifelong learning and making a difference.

SDG 10
Reduced Inequalities

Experience the power of perspective. Debate the complexities of social and economic inequality, gain empathy for diverse viewpoints, and discover your voice as an advocate for change and inclusion.

SDG 17
Partnerships for the Goals

Collaborate beyond borders and break down barriers. Forge partnerships, master cross-cultural communication, and discover the potential impact of working together to solve the world's most pressing challenges.

Board of


Selahattin Furkan Karadas


A current solicitor in the UK and Edtech entrepreneur, Selahattin merges his entreprenuership expertise with extensive experience in MUN to drive innovation in global education.

Sami Burgaz


A seasoned veteran with 20 years of MUN history, Sami has participated in over 100 MUNs as a delegate, chair, and academic team member, marking him a true authority.

Islam Ossama


Combining engineering precision with a love for global debate, Islam brings a unique, solution-oriented perspective informed by his technical background.

Zen Hassan


A lifelong MUN enthusiast since middle school, Zen’s unwavering dedication to global collaboration shines through his impactful work.

Enes Oztoprak


From MUNer to diplomat – Enes embodies the transformative power of the MUN experience and demonstrates the transformative potential of this experience.

Mehmet Atik


A Politics student at the prestigious Bogazici University and a force in the MUN arena since middle school, Atik’s academic excellence and global awareness highlight his exceptional potential in international affairs.

Midlands School of

Innovative Learning

MUN Global is proud to partner with the Midlands School of Innovative Learning (MSIL), a highly esteemed educational institution in England. MSIL’s commitment to academic excellence and fostering global citizenship aligns perfectly with MUN Global’s mission to develop future leaders and changemakers.
MSIL's Partnership Elevates MUN Global:




Date: 21-24 November 2024
Location: Limak Limra Resorts

Ladscape of Baku


Date: 18–21 December 2024
Location: Marriott Hotel Boulevard

Beautiful shot of London Eye and River Thames London


Date: 26–29 March 2025
Location: Park Plaza Westminster Bridge

